The Top Japanese Flea Market Apps

Mercari has over 20 million monthly users, and PayPay Flea Market is popular among middle-aged and older users

A survey was done to see the number of users and user demographics of Japanese flea market apps. This will include Mercari, PayPay Flea Market, and Rakuma.

Below, you will see how these flea market apps are expanding with the spread of the coronavirus.

A Survey of Three Apps: Mercari, PayPay Flea Market, and Rakuma

A flea market app that allows you to easily sell your personal belongings that you no longer need or buy the products you want at a lower price than the list price. It has been attracting attention for several years from the perspective of the SDGs and other issues, and its market size is expanding further in response to the coronavirus.

In addition to being non-contact and easy to shop, the increased time spent at home and the increased opportunities to sell items that are no longer needed are thought to be the reasons for the growing use of flea market apps. What is the market share of these major flea market apps? In this article, we will compare the number of users and attributes of the major flea market apps and clarify the differences between them.

In this article, we will look at Mericari, Paypay Flea Market, and Rakuma which have the largest amount of users. Below are the descriptions and features of each app.

Mercari Has Over 20 Million Monthly Users!

Let’s look at the changes in the number of users of “Mercari,” “PayPay Flea Market,” and “Rakuma” over the past two years. Please see the graph below.

Number of users of "Mercari," "PayPay Frima," and "RakuMa" apps (Total period: January 2020 - December 2021, target devices: smartphones)

Compared to the other two apps, “Mercari” has an outstandingly large number of users, most recently exceeding 20 million users per month. “PayPay Flea Market” is a new app that was launched in the fall of 2019, but its user base has been steadily increasing since the beginning of this year, and by September 2021, it had surpassed the number of users of “RakuMa.”

PayPay Flea Market is Popular Among Middle-Aged and Older People

Next, here is a comparison of the user demographics of each application and its unique characteristics.

Summary Analysis

In this article, “Mercari”, “PayPay Flea Market”, and “Rakuma” was compared from various angles, Mercari has the largest number of users and has twice the number of users as “PayPay Flea Market” and “Rakuma.”

Looking at user demographics, “Mercari” and “Rakuma” are popular among women and younger users, while “PayPay ◊” is popular among men and middle-aged users, and all apps have users with annual incomes in the 3-6 million yen range. There are still many new entrants in the flea market. We will keep an eye on future trends.