Top 20 Japanese IT News and Information Sites

In the IT industry, new technologies are constantly being developed and updated, and it is essential to gather information to keep up with IT trends.

However, the term “IT” has many meanings. This field and the type of information required are different for each person. Therefore, in this article, we will introduce IT-related news and information sites by dividing them into the following four types.

  • IT-related general information site
  • Gadget information sites
  • Web marketing and business information sites
  • Web production information sites
If you are having trouble finding the information you want on, please refer to this site!
Comprehensive IT Information Site

If you want to get a lot of the latest technology information, here is a comprehensive list.

Gadget Information Site
Here are some sites that have strengths in gadget-related topics, and are worth checking out if you are interested in PCs, smartphones, or IoT devices.
Web Marketing and Business Information Site

The following are sites for those who want to know practical information on Web and IT-related topics. Use them in your marketing and business practices.

Web Production Information Sites

If you are an engineer or creator in the Web or IT industry, or if you want to be active in the industry, please take a look at these sites.


Some sites are comprehensive, while others focus on specific needs. Use the site that best suits the information you want and stays up to date on the latest technology trends.