Top Tech Gadget Websites for Japanese Consumers


It’s difficult to know what type of tech product Japanese consumers gravitate towards. From blogs, media, and e-commerce websites, here is a list of the top technological websites that Japanese people look for recommendations, opinions, and reviews. These websites will keep you up to date with everything you need to know.


ギズモード・ジャパン | 日本最大級のガジェット&テクノロジーサイトGizmodo Japan was created in 2006, and they cover a wide range of not only technology but also science and design news. With consistent views on their Youtube channel, they upload upcoming products with straight-to-the-point reviews of the pros and cons within a couple of minutes. This is a great place for quick brief facts on the latest gadget.

AppBankグループ本社移転のお知らせ | AppBank 株式会社

AppBank Store is the place for all your smartphone needs. While they focus on iPhone-related accessaries, they also have updated smartphone news on their site where readers can learn about the top apps and gadgets for their smartphones. Their site also has business services such as advertising platform business, application business, and video services business

Similar to Gizmodo, AppBank has a Youtube Channel with their spokesperson Max Murai does mobile game reviews, and gameplays, and explores new trends from unique foods to fun challenges.

The ASCII store has EVERYTHING. Not just for your mobile needs, but articles that range from PC, business, digital, and other specialties. From health to sports, programming, and hobbies, ASCII is the one that updates the consumers about everything.

TechCrunch – Startup and Technology NewsTechCrunch Japan is one of the top media outlets that introduces startups, reviews new internet products, and covers tech business industry news. Having 2.25 million website visits, with 94% of the visits from Japan, TechCrunch is one of the most popular tech blogs that will keep visitors up to date with the latest tech news.

株式会社Glotureのプレスリリース|PR TIMES

Gloture has given success to foreign crowdfunded products in the Japanese market. Products on Gloture range from technological gadgets such as smartphones, laptops, and PC accessories, to healthcare items for everyday needs, outdoor elements including workout, travel, and fashion, and smart home appliances. This is a great website for unique and interesting products for everyday needs.


Although these websites are in Japanese, it’s clear that these sites are the top sources that Japanese people look at for tech information and products. The best way to enter the Japanese market is to understand what aspect of technology the Japanese public is looking for. 

Click here to see the top Japanese electronic retailers or here for the best tech influencer.

If you’re a company want wants to enter the Japanese market successfully but is not sure how to, Gloture can help! You don’t have to feel anxious stepping into unfamiliar territory, and you are not alone in that journey. We can help your company successfully launch into the Japanese market. Contact us today at to expand your presence in Japan!