Market Size Ranking of Overseas EC sites

The size of the global EC market is 313 trillion yen as of 2018. Of this amount, more than half (61.1%) was accounted for by the Asia-Pacific region, with a circulation value of 190 trillion yen.

Check out the top 3 EC sites for the United States of America, China, South Korea, and Taiwan!

China’s Top 3 EC site rankings

In China, where digitization is progressing, especially in urban areas, the use of EC is active and increasing.

In particular, on November 11th, “Single’s Day”, where each site has a large-scale sale, which has a great economic effect.

USA's Top 3 EC site rankings

The United States is a digitally advanced country. In the EC market, which has continued to grow by double digits for 10 consecutive years, the growing product categories are food and beverages.

Korea's Top 3 EC site rankings

As a trendsetter in cosmetics and fashion, Korea’s cross-border e-commerce is attracting increasing attention in Japan, especially among young women.

Taiwan's Top 3 EC site rankings

Let’s look at Taiwan’s e-commerce market, where its culture and trends are drawing attention from around the world, such as the unprecedented tapioca boom in 2019.